Our Core Values
"The Grace Code" we live by.

1. We honor Jesus and His church with integrity.

If we live with integrity, nothing else matters. If we don’t live with integrity, nothing else matters.

Ephesians 3:20-21

2. We are in constant pursuit of a life-long relationship with God.

Prayer, meditation, worship and Bible studies are non-negotiable for us.

Philippians 3:12-14

3. We live and exercise faith under the ultimate authority of God’s Word.

We will be loud where the Bible is loud. We will be quiet where the Bible is quiet.

Philippians 2:12-13, 2 Timothy 3:16

4. We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Jesus.

To reach people no one else is reaching, we will do things that no one else is doing.

Matthew 28:19-20

5. We are gifted, intentional spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers.

The church does not exist for us. We ARE the church, and we exist to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus. Each of us are responsible to use our spiritual gifts together.

1 Corinthians 12

6. We are intentional, extravagant givers.

God gave extravagantly when He gave us His Son, Jesus for salvation. We want to be givers just like Him.

John 3:16, Acts 20:35, 2 Corinthians 9:7

7. We are relentless and passionate in our love for God and others.

We worship God, connect to others, and serve both of them.
Accountability, care and a sense of belonging are critical to our spiritual journey.
We are unafraid and unashamed to show God’s love to each other and our community.

Matthew 22:34

8. We are faith-filled, big-thinking, bet-the-farm risk takers.

We will never insult God with small thinking and safe living.

Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38

9. We make a big deal about discipleship, because discipleship is a big deal to Jesus.

We are simply disciple-making disciples seeking to produce disciple-making disciples.

2 Timothy 2:2

10. We are relevant and real in every moment.

Our role is to create an irresistible experience from the time a person arrives on our campus until they leave that is conducive to the work of the Holy Spirit in hearts. Unashamedly, we have fun serving God with the people we love.

1 Corinthians 9